Thursday, March 15, 2007

Are You College Bound?

I have always planned to go to some college or university after high school. I want to know what you think. One of the reasons I have always planned on this is because that is what my family has always expected of everyone. But now that I am in high school, I have really been challenged to think for myself and make my own choices. This has led me to wonder about several things, including college. I completely understand that it is very beneficial and I should deffinitely go, but have you ever considered other options? I know in the end I will end up going to college mostlikely, but right now I am curious about alternatives. I just wanted to know what other people thought it about it.


hannahs said...

Haha here I am posting on my own blog once again. Don't worry, some day i will get a life.

hannahs said...

Wow. Thanks so much for posting comments guys. Sally, I think you are totally right, it's what makes you happy. Also, I was wondering what you want to do now, because it kinda sounded like you aren't interested in becoming a pastry chef anymore? Devon, I love your idea of taking a year off and doing mission trips. That would be an absolutely amazing experience.

Alyse said...

I know that I am going to go to college. From little on I have known that it was right for me. I support others choices, but I know that college is for me. When I het to college, then I will travel through study abroad proghrams so that I will become a more wordly person. My dream schools have changed along the way, but now my top choice is Colorado School of Mines. It would be perfect as I want to become an engineer. I think that in my case I would need to go on to beable to stick with school. I know that if I did not keep goiong to a school, that I would not want to go back and I would not have kept that kind of work ethic, what ever kind of ethic I have. The one thing that I know is after high school we will be able to keep intouch with one another because of e-mail and blogs such as this one. So, we will all be across the world but we can still talk and know a little of whats going on in each other's lives. :)