Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Share the unhappiness!

Okay, finally, a decompressing session where we can "share our grievances"! Yes! Let me hear it people, what is not going right in your world right no


hannahs said...

Haha! Oops... I totally didn't finish my sentence there. I apologize. I hope this has not added to anyone's grievances. :-( On a not so light lighter note (tee hee figure that one out) Spring Break is over and we are now back in school. Who is bummed? I am sure we all are, but recent vent sessions from those not so happy friends who miss spring break and freedom and stress-free days and movies and sleep and wikk and also wikk and moose costumers have shared their grievances with me. So here is your chance to...erm...uh...we'll call it express your feelings (using kind words of course) about your stressful days. Perhaps I will have some comforting words or advice, or maybe I'll just jump in the wagon with you and share my grievances. Anyway, good luck figuring out those beautiful run on sentences and enjoy your grieving session.

hannahs said...

Naturally, I have to be the first to grieve because only those who pitty me read this blog (jk). I want to grieve about my sleeping habits. Why am I not asleep right now instead of listening to Jack Johnson and commenting on my own blog? I KNOW! We should make resolutions to changing our lives to save ourselves a few grievances. Okay, I will resolute
(??) to get a life and go to bed rather than comment on my own blog that no one reads. Yeah. Well, I feel so much better now. Happy grieving campers, moose wipers and Propell spillers who get it all over their pants. (That last one was a shout out to someone who deserves a round of applause. Bravo).

Alyse said...

I hope that your sleeping patterns improve and that you can have many successful nights without any sleep-dialing. Although, if you win concert tickets while you are asleep, can I come with you?!?!

hannahs said...

Hahaha I'm not gonna lie. That was funny!